Hi hai hallo holla...
okay, today i wanna share something about my life..
first of all, i want to say: "Congratz to our special force because they have completed their job successfully..." (i think you know what i mean)...
today, i've a lot of story to be told...
this morning, i woke up @ 6.30..
i turn on my laptop, and read some news...
i also open my facebook...
after that, i'm lying on the bed..
@ 7.30, i woke up again..
i went to the bathroom to take a bath..
because @ 8 0'clock i've attended "Bengkel Pengujian CFlow" @ FTSM..
the 'bengkel' is very good and interesting...
i enjoyed that...
we teached about CFlow (some software that built for help student in design flow chart)...
@ 10 O'clock we move to the laboratory to test the program...
based on my opinion, the program is very good in design flow chart..
but there are some problem and make me confused...
because the program doesn't support to remove the 'process box' in flow chart..
and than, the program can't make a sentence in one line...
but, overall i give 8/10 for that...
i hope, someday the creator can modify and improve the program...
okey, back to the topic..
after we tried the program, we provided a lot of meal..
i think, today is my lucky day..
because until now, i haven't spend my money to buy some food or beverage yet,,,
the food is so delicious..
in the morning, we provided a box of mihun, a mineral water, and a milo uht...
in the afternoon, we provided a box of fried rice, a piece of chicken, some acar, a mineral water, and a milo uht...
i'm very lucky to be a participant of the 'bengkel'..
now, my stomach is already full...
when the 'bengkel' finished, we (me, rian, baim, and intan) go to the bus stop with the others,..
we are waiting for the bus...
but, suddenly, from afar away...
a bus is coming to us...
the bus is very special..
i've never seen the bus before..
i think, it's the all new UKM's bus..
the bus looks like very sophisticated bus..
in front of main mirror of the bus written "KHAS PELAWAT"..
of course we can't board the bus..
but, did you know?
the bus driver offer us to board the bus..
cihuy, we are so lucky...
on the way to my college, he (the bus driver) said:
"Pak cik kesian tengok korang tunggu bas, sebetulnya pak cik tak boleh naikkan korang, sebab ini bas khusus pelawat, tapi pak cik kesian tengok korang"
wow, he is very kind...
i had asked him about the bus..
he said that the bus is still new..
now in test drive, still beta i think..
and did you know?
he said that the bus is powered by batteries not fuel...
wow, this UKM's all new bus is very modern...
finally, the bus stop at KBH's college..
me, rian, and some of my friends get down from the bus..
and i go to my room...
now, i still in front of my laptop...
i feel full + happy...
okay, i hope tomorrow i can share something more interest than today..
i hope so...
see you later my blog...
p.s.: i love you...